Most people are already aware of the two most noticeable signs of vein disease—spider veins and varicose veins. And most of the time, unsightly veins are the only symptoms most people with vein disease develop. But vein disease has many other warning signs, many of which you might never have expected. Luckily, Chicago Vein Care Center is a vein clinic in Chicago where you can find everything you need to find relief from even the most unexpected symptoms of vein disease.

What do residents of Chicago, IL need to know about vein disease symptoms?

Vein disease is often silent and usually remains unnoticed without regular vein assessments by a vein expert in Chicago.

Vein disease symptoms are relative to the stage of disease and how you take care of yourself. For instance, mild cases of vein disease may include annoying throbbing or heavy legs and ankles. More advanced cases, however, can be dangerous—sometimes (though rarely) even life threatening.

The most common symptoms of vein disease other than varicosities can include the following:

  • Sensations in the legs and feet
  • Aching or pain
  • Swollen legs and ankles
  • Skin changes
  • Blood clots

Sensations In The Legs And Feet

Irritation inside the vein and struggling circulation can cause many strange sensations inside the lower body. These feelings may include throbbing from a rush of fluids passing through the vein or tired and heavy feelings caused by increased fluids that are not being removed efficiently from the poorly circulating veins in the lower body.

Skin Changes

You may be surprised to learn that vein disease does not only affect the inside of the body—it can cause some pretty weird changes to the skin as well. Some people with vein disease develop dermatitis above the affected veins, causing dry, itchy and red skin. At best, this symptom is annoying, but depriving yourself from the relief of varicose or spider vein treatment in Chicago can make the problem worse. In time, inflamed, irritated skin may become thin and fragile and more susceptible to injury. In some instances, painful and slow healing skin ulcers can form.

Any break in the skin can leave the area open to bacterial infection, so be sure to seek proper treatment before these extreme symptoms develop. If you are already suffering from these or similar symptoms, an outpatient vein laser surgery may be helpful in many cases.

Blood Clots

Blood clots may sound terrifyingly dangerous, and they can be. When circulation slows down, blood can stagnate and form clots inside the veins, a condition called thrombosis. When clots form inside the major veins lying deep inside the leg (deep vein thrombosis), the condition is more concerning. These clots not only hinder blood flow, but also are capable of breaking away from the vein wall and traveling into areas that can block circulation to the heart, brain and other vital organs.

Additional warning signs for a deep vein thrombosis include pain and swelling in one leg, accompanied by red and warm skin just above the affected area. It is vital to seek immediate medical attention if you think you have a blood clot.

If you are currently experiencing any of the unexpected vein disease symptoms, Dr. Ramon Castro and his team of professionals are here to help devise a plan of care for you. Or if it is relief from varicose or spider veins you desire, our staff can help you improve the look and feel of your problem veins. To find out more about vein disease and associated symptoms, visit Or call us directly at 773-283-7887 to make an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you soon!