Before you disregard vein treatments as frivolous cosmetic procedures, know this: getting spider vein treatment in Chicago now can keep your vein health from becoming a medical concern in the future. Few people realize that spider and varicose veins are warning signs of underlying vein disease, but by getting vein care in Chicago, smart people are being proactive in treating veins before they become unbearable. And these treatments are not the gruesome and frightening vein stripping surgeries your great aunt told you about at Thanksgiving. Breakthrough advances in medical technology have paved the way for a new way of looking at vein care and for maintaining and restoring healthy legs.

What are some of the newest ideas for restoring healthy legs for Chicago, IL residents?

Old vein disease treatments were limited to lengthy surgery with full-body sedation, a hospital stay and a lengthy, painful recovery period. Traditional surgeries are far more expensive and time-consuming than most people care to deal with unless they are experiencing a medical emergency.

Today’s vein disease treatments in Chicago give patients the flexibility of choice and the ease of convenient outpatient procedures that require little to no recovery time. These new treatments are fast, painless and are generally covered by an increasing number of insurance providers. Some of the top treatments for spider and varicose veins at Chicago Vein Care Center include sclerotherapy, ablation and microphlebectomy.


Sclerotherapy tends to be the ‘gold standard’ when it comes to improving the appearance of spider veins. This treatment is also useful to ‘clean up’ veins after other procedures to create the cleanest look possible. During sclerotherapy, the Chicago vein specialist injects a foam or liquid medicine into the affected veins that cause it to shrink and gradually diminish over the coming weeks.

Thermal Ablation Therapy

Thermal ablation therapy uses heat to seal off problem veins. A local anesthetic is utilized to numb the affected area, and then very tiny incisions are made—just large enough to fit a slim tube for guiding a heating device. The devices preferred in ablation therapy are typically specially tuned lasers or radiofrequency energy. Once the procedure is complete, the body naturally reroutes blood flow through healthier veins.


Another popular minimally invasive procedure is microphlebectomy. Once the leg is anesthetized, the vein is gently removed (phlebectomy) via a miniscule incision just above the treatment area. This procedure and sclerotherapy can be performed as primary treatments, but are sometimes suggested as a compliment to thermal ablation.

Learning More

The main vein outcome goal vein doctors such as our own Dr. Ramon Castro have by restoring healthy legs today is to provide convenient and comfortable treatments that improve the patient’s health, without sacrificing the patient’s lifestyle. If you want to learn more about the latest ways to treat unhealthy veins, please visit the Chicago Vein Care Center website at If you’re ready to meet with Dr. Castro, feel free to call us at 773-283-7887. A friendly representative will be happy to schedule you!