It’s easy to understand why you don’t want to spread the news about the varicose veins that have taken up residence on your legs. Spider veins leave purplish threadlike appearance that mars the youthful look of clear skin, while varicose veins often bulge out from the skin like winding snakes. You would much rather hide your legs than talk about them. Chicago Vein Care Center is here to tell you why you should bring up your problem veins more frequently in conversation.

What’s so embarrassing about varicose veins to the residents of Chicago, IL?

Varicose veins and spider veins are essentially damaged veins and capillaries misshaped by pooled blood that can no longer be pushed efficiently upward through the body. The visible result is the ropey, bluish mass of veins that bulge out from the skin on the legs and ankles. Spider veins appear as smaller, more a purple or red color, and flush against the skin—although they are just as disagreeable to look at. Additionally, they sometimes cause discomfort, pain and rashes.

There seems to be an idea that people develop problem veins because they are getting old or are not taking care of themselves, and being accused of either is not a pleasant feeling. While it is true that varicose veins occur more in people over age 50, people of any age and gender can develop varicosities at any time. Varicose veins can also develop as a result of genetics, hormonal swings and injury. Even professional athletes can be afflicted by the tired, heavy feelings associated with poor leg circulation.

Simply stated, varicosities are unattractive and uncomfortable. It is no wonder why most people try to hide them and keep them a secret.

Why should I talk to anyone about my unsightly varicose veins?

Many people with a disease or illness tend to feel different than “normal” people, especially when that condition is as highly visible as varicose veins. But there is no reason to ever feel like you are struggling with varicose veins alone. According to Chicago vein specialists, more than 30 million men and women in the United States are affected by varicose and spider veins. There are certainly many people out there going through the same frustrations and pain as you.

Chronic vein disease (CVD) runs in families, so if your parents or grandparents developed problem veins, chances are you might too. In this case, it is a good idea to talk about varicose veins with your mom, dad and grandparents to find out if they have ever been treated for vein disease. If so, you should have a Chicago vein specialist evaluate your veins.

If you talk to no one else about your vein issues, you can always talk to a vein doctor. Leaving a problem vein unattended can become much more than a nuisance over time—they become outright dangerous. Progressed varicosities can come to a point where the skin is completely distorted by dermatitis and ulcers, and you could be overcome by pain, blood clots and infection. It is also important to seek treatment when you first notice varicosities—not only to recover your self-esteem, but to improve your health as well.

When you are ready to talk about your veins, the vein experts at Chicago Vein Care Center are ready to listen. Call us at 773-283-7887 to schedule your venous consultation or to learn more about the simple treatment options for improving the look and health of your veins.